About AbleLink
AbleLink Smart Living Technologies was founded in 1997 specifically to address the significant need for research-based cognitive support technologies for individuals with cognitive disabilities and those experiencing cognitive decline. Our team has been built purposefully with individuals representing relevant fields of expertise including human services, human factors, rehab technology, software engineering, occupational therapy, and clinical and experimental psychology. AbleLink researchers have conducted over 80 research and development projects to investigate, research, and develop technology applications for individuals with cognitive disabilities and for seniors utilizing technology to help "age in place." Our research findings demonstrating the benefits of cognitive support technologies have been published in various peer-reviewed research journals, such as the Journal of Special Education Technology, Intellectual and Developmental Disability, and the Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities. Our ongoing collaborations include organizations with proven records of improving the lives of people with disabilities, such as the Beach Center on Disability at the University of Kansas, the Westchester Institute for Human Development, the Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., Foundation, the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, and the National Institute on Aging.
Daniel K. Davies, Founder and President of AbleLink Smart Living Technologies
Daniel K. Davies, Founder and President of AbleLink Smart Living Technologies, has been closely associated with issues important to individuals with disabilities and their families all his life, as his oldest brother John lived with severe intellectual disability, as well as several significant physical disabilities. Mr. Davies has been actively involved in research and development of assistive technology for individuals with cognitive and other disabilities for over 20 years. He has served as Principal Investigator on numerous research projects funded by the U.S. Department of Education, the National Institutes on Health, the Defense Advanced Research Programs Agency (DARPA), and the Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation. He has been on the leading edge of research into assistive technology for individuals with intellectual disabilities and consequently in 2006 was selected out of 951 nominations from 98 countries to receive the Technology Museum of Innovation's prestigious Katherine M. Swanson Equality Award for "pioneering information technology for individuals with cognitive disabilities." Currently he serves as Co-Chair of the Technology Special Interest Group for the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and was awarded the 2004 Technology and Media Leadership Award by the Council for Exceptional Children for "national leadership in the area of research and development of cognitive support technologies." Since 2001, he has held an appointment as an Adjunct Research Associate to the University of Kansas's Beach Center on Disability in recognition of his active role in the field of assistive technology research and development for individuals with intellectual disabilities. He has authored over 75 journal articles, book chapters and reports specifically on the use of assistive technology for individuals with cognitive disabilities and is an invited presenter at conferences nationally and internationally. Prior to founding AbleLink he worked as a human factors scientist in the aerospace industry, as well as in the human services field as a counselor/case manager providing direct care for individuals with intellectual disabilities.
AbleLink News
AbleLink and SHIFT Announce Launch of SMART Travel Training System in Tennessee
AbleLink Wins 2nd Place in U.S. DOT's Inclusive Design Challenge
AbleLink Featured in New Research Article
Dan Davies, AbleLink Founder & President, Featured on the "ABC's of Disability Planning" Podcast
AbleLink Wins Michigan Grant to Bolster Mobility Industry and Increase Accessibility
AbleLink WayFinder Featured in Closing the Gap
Inclusive Design Challenge: PAVE video feature
AbleLink's work in Tennessee spotlighted in The Compass
AbleLink Chosen as a Semifinalist in the Inclusive Design Challenge
AbleLink Featured on Freethink.com
VantagePoint moves to the web
Now available - ATLAS Travel Readiness Assessments
Announcing AbleLink JobQuest!
AbleLink releases Emergency Response Desktop
AbleLink Wins City:One Indianapolis Challenge